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Check out how we usher in the Year of the Dragon - JHC style!🐉🍑🍑
300 Vietnamese rolls to foster strong bonds and creating lasting memories together!
Check out the achievements and milestones by our committed staff!
Fostering Collaboration: JHC Medical Board @ Clinical Governance Retreat!
We hosted WHO-GALLOPS for an insightful exchange on Global Action on Patient Safety.
JHC Allied Health is proud to host the 2nd NUHS Allied Health Learning Festival!
Recap the highlights and soak in the memorable moments of JHC LIVE with us!
Celebrate successes and move towards a more inclusive community!
Celebrate successes, and chart our course towards a more engaged campus!
Here's to Your Years of Dedication and Excellence!
Get to know our A/Prof Dan through this special series!
Honoring Our Caregivers: Inaugural NUHS Caregiver Awards Celebration!
Staff who inspire, with kindness and compassion
Check our newsroom for more media updates on NTFGH and JCH.